Iman Khatib-Yassin

Massacre Documentary Screening
After Denying the Massacre: MK Yassin will Watch the Massacre Documentary

Many Knesset members who did not participate in the screening of the horror film prepared by the IDF spokesperson for the Knesset members turned to the Knesset Speaker Ohana with a request to allow a repeat screening, among the requesters is Knesset member Khatib-Yassin, who denied the massacre.

JFeed | 08.11.23

"A Disgrace to Humanity"

Anger at MK Khatib-Yassin: "She Has No Place in the Israeli Knesset"

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 05.11.23

Ra'am: Resign Immediately

Ra'am Leader to the Faction's MK: Resign Immediately

JFeed | 05.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Denial

"Babies were not Slaughtered": The MK of Ra'am Denied the Atrocities

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 05.11.23
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